Franchisee Qualities

If we agree that we want people who share our definition of success and who will strive to achieve it, then we need some practical guidelines on what to look for in a franchisee candidate - a sort of shopping list of attributes.


top Franchisee leadership qualities

  • Knowledgeable in finance & business

  • Hire, organize & motivate others

  • Get things done efficiently

  • Well organized & highly motivated

  • Physical & emotional resilience

  • Emotional support from friends & family

  • Understand and accept the role of franchisee


Franchisor & franchisee relationship

I can’t stress enough the importance of a successful relationship between the Franchisor and Franchisee. To share respect by treating each other as business partners, that they are part of something shared and being appreciative of each others efforts and successes. Personal relationships inspire mutual loyalty and understanding.

In conclusion, as in any business, success is based upon a sound business structure, brand awareness, and a team of individuals that work together in harmony.