Crushed Red Letter of Recommendation


Recommendation for FDM&S

I am the CEO for Crushed Red — Urban Bake & Chop Shop, and I've known AI Genovese for six years. AI headed up franchise sales for Crushed Red and was most recently instrumental in working a yearlong effort that culminated in a four state, twenty location partnership with a franchise group out of Oklahoma - a deal that means quite a bit to our company!

What sets Al apart is how he does business. He has a very good blend of sophistication with the personal touch that seems to be a lost art. Potential franchise partners just feel comfortable when AI is working with them. He makes it his business to understand your business and understands the nuances that make your business work. AI is well versed as an operator (he’s been one for years) and is able to connect and speak with a level of expertise on that level.

Al was actually able to resurrect a deal that we considered dead and they are now an active franchise partner wanting to move their Area Development Agreement from three locations to five locations!

He is willing to jump in a car or get on a plane to travel and work with a potential franchise partner if he thinks it will facilitate a relationship or close a deal.

Lastly, but probably most importantly in my eyes, is the chemistry Al has with the rest of the team — whether it is the leadership team or the front line restaurant employees, Al is well liked and respected by all.

Don’t hesitate to contact me direct if you have any questions regarding Al Genovese…I can go and on.

Chris LaRocca - CEO

Crushed Red

Urban Bake & Chop Shop